Auf der Überholspur der Innovation. / Corporate communication
What and how a company communicates defines the company itself as much as the services or products it offers. Companies must be able to communicate (well), whether externally or internally. Therefore, communication should be clear, sincere, appreciative, and happen at eye level.
In a spec project, we thought about what modern corporate communication could look like. What is the best way to communicate to potential customers what the brand stands for, to motivate employees for internal growth, or to communicate the company’s values?
In this example of a fictitious company (in a German speaking country), the company should present itself externally as modern, innovative, and forward-thinking. Internally, as a reliable contact for all employees (especially important for onboarding). The visual aspect must be able to fit into the CI of the company and at the same time express something new and innovative. The visual language should emphasize the new way of thinking, but at the same time remain within the framework of the company’s existing visual language. A bridge between the present and the future should be created and communication should reflect this.
Concise slogans that reflect the company’s values, people with a positive vibe, additional small text (if necessary) and the key visual (which here reinforces the person and at the same time reflects the “Think Out Of The Box” mantra), shape the primary means for branding, positioning, and communication. Corporate communication that works on all levels is the goal. Results of this specification work can be seen in a few examples here.
Our team of creative experts is at your side for your communication measures and accompanies you strategically and during the implementation from beginning to end.